Wednesday 31 March 2010

Barfleur church window

Church windows can be a delight. I think this one in Barfleur church joins that group
click on picture to enlarge
Stain glass church window

Sunday 28 March 2010

Not another one!

The Hunt waited so long to get started that some of the members were considered to be needing refreshments - almost non-stop.
click on picture to enlarge
OK - just one more!

The publican hosting them at the time clearly felt that offering the poor fellows refreshments was a 'must', with the result that one gets the impression that the horseman is getting concerned that ill might come of having any more. All that can be positively stated is that he wasn't seen to fall off his horse!

Thursday 25 March 2010

Water bottle a-light

We were walking up behind a couple, one of whom had a water bottle under her arm - not an usual sight. What made the difference here was that we were walking into the sun and it was shining down the bottle from the top of the bottle to the bottom, and the effect of this is what we could see.
click on the picture to enlarge 
Back lit bottle bottom
You don't want to say that too quickly!

But it is certainly fascinating what one can see sometimes without planning, other than having a camera with you.

Monday 22 March 2010

Frosty gated view

This shot just appealed to me because the scenery seemed to work with the gate, though it maybe does look a little too formal!
click on photo to enlarge

This looks cold, though sunny, possibly promising a good weather day.

Friday 19 March 2010

Sydney bridge harbour-side

It can be seen where this photo came from by referring to an earlier posting, the first one being from the original colour photo including the bridge. You could have seen this details by enlarging the original, but to save doing that it is included here. This selection makes the young lady more dominant in the picture.
click on photo to enlarge
Resting young lady

The following one is in black and white, of the same view, but put here to get a feel of the different atmosphere that can be created in each medium. I find this comparison fascinating.
click on photo to enlarge

Lonely young lady

By concentrating on only a portion of the original photo, with the bulk of the bridge having been removed, this has made the figure a more dominant feature, to it's advantage, accentuated with the back-lighting.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Damn it, what went wrong?

This rider caught my eye at the Hunt, after he had just taken a sip.
click on picture to enlarge
What has he suddenly decided to regret? We shall never know.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Cities in caves

This started as an ordinary picture of sea braking up against a rocky shore, and of no particular interest, but a simple click on some computer software produced this picture.
click on  photo to enlarge

I think this is now a very interesting picture. I can now see what looks like a city under a dark blue overhang, maybe a cave - but where could this be?

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Four tulips

This photo has evolved from the last entry, with a little bit of clearing up and tulip movement - nothing has been added, just taken away or moved.
click on picture to enlarge

Does that not now look dramatic, or what, or does it now look unreal?

I like this picture for its impact, but for a slightly more relaxed feel I think I'd go for the last entry.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Three tulips

I quite like this photo of three tulips in full bloom together with a bud wating to erupt, with a partial background of other less dominant flowers - it has quite a nice feel about it - almost as though the flower mass is throwing the tulips out in the wild.
click on photo to enlarge

I think for the next entry I shall do some work on this photo to see if we can alter the atmosphere.

Thursday 4 March 2010

I think I might like you

This is Katy again, but what is she thinking this time? My feeling is that she is wondering why she thinks the person she is looking at is likable. Difficult to be sure, being the person who took the photo, but that's the nearest I can get to what might seem a reasonable description of the thinking behind her expression.
click in the picture to enlarge

I think you're intriguing!

She has a just determinable slight smile, and her eyes have a slightly quizzical look. Fascinating...............

Monday 1 March 2010

Alone but not alone

A photo taken of Sydney harbour bridge produces a picture which gives a pleasant feel about it - quite calming, with the only person evident seeming to relax wih us in the view. Much of the atmosphere is created by the colours, especially with the blue sky. It's relaxing!
click on the photo to enlarge
The original bridge photo

But what if we get rid of the colours and just have a black and white photo? The result is quite different! The scene becomes more dramatic, as though something may be about to happen, without knowing what that might be! Much of that drama is created by the back lighting! I doubt if the sitter is feeling quite so relaxed in this scene
click on photo for enlarging

Black and white bridge

It's amazing what a difference it makes when getting rid of the colour!