Sunday 31 January 2010

Very small insect

Morning glory has delightfully blue flowers, the following being an example.

click picture to enlarge

This is a nice simple composition - nothing confusing about it - nothing extraordinary can be seen.

Except for something on the top middle edge of the petal, and the following shows it when blown up. Of course the definition is now suffering badly, because it has been made so much larger, but this doesn't deter from the fascination of what can sometimes be found through looking!

Isn't that incredible?

Thursday 28 January 2010

Tide versus sea wall

I find the sea fascinating. In this scene it is slightly choppy but gets a bit angry as it rebounds off the sea wall in the distance and meets the tide coming in from the right.
click picture to enlarge

Although the quality of part of this picture deteriorates somewhat when enlarged, the following gives a very different strange atmosphere about it when the seemingly angry section of rebounding water is blown up.

In this picture, there is now no clue as to where it is, or what the environment is like in the area. There is nothing to indicate it has been caused by a clash of water just off the sea wall to the left - nothing at all!
click picture to enlarge

And slightly later, in the same general area, but slightly more out to sea, the following erupted, without any rocks appearing when the water subsided. Again, nothing to indicate any reason why the water should behave like this.
click picture to enlarge
I find it all very fascinating.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Ominous dawn

This early morning sunshine looks great, but could suggest the start of a somewhat dubious day - fingers crossed that that is wrong!.
click picture to enlarge
I wonder!
It certainly looks very peaceful.
But the saying does go 'Red sky in the morning shepherds warning!'

Friday 22 January 2010

The bowl

Having picked some mushrooms I put them in a glass bowl. They weren't used, but left a fascinating stain in the bowl.
click picture to enlarge

I particularly like this picture because it is not obvious what it portrays, and the mind can come up with numerouis alternatives. I find it quite absorbing.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Snow impression

When I first laid eyes on this impression in the snow it completely confused me. It must  have been some animal who had strayed over from the land to the rear, or possibly more likely a family of animals, but I couldn't think of anything that made any real sense.
click picture to enlarge

Having decided that it couldn't have been an animal I tried to think how I could have created it, and then it dawned on me that I had been standing at this spot to take photos of the garden, and that it had to be a collection of my footprints having been partially melted. That thought made it possible to actually determine the shoe impressions.

I still thought it was an interesting composition, even though mundanely formed.

Friday 15 January 2010

Car waking up

I paid a surprise visit to a friend early one morning, and on approaching his drive I noticed that his car was just waking up after being snowbound overnight. It looked very sleepy.

click picture to enlarge

The sight made me think. Do cars have souls and spirits, and do they like to go to sleep at night, and when they wake up do they resist it as much as possible, and when finally succumbing to waking, do they lower their eyelids just a shade to have a peek before deciding to go the whole hog and fully wake up? And is it that peeking mode that we can see here?

It could be that we can't normally see this happening becaue snow isn't always there to visually clearly show the eyelids being lowered! I just wondered!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Winter lunch?

Something is going on this winter that I don't understand - the wild life appears to be altering - unless it's something that I haven't come across before.

I've just spotted some white chicks in a bush with their beaks held aloft waiting for food with a collection of strange animals, or are they birds around them in the bush. I hope the picture gives a feeling of what I saw.

click picture to enlarge

You can see the chicks, not many of them, near the top left corner of the bush, with their bright white closed beaks pointing skywards, with what looks very much like other birds or animals around them cloaked in white down, presumably to protect them from the winter weather. The other animals, whilst I don't recognise these either, are clearly defined in animal form, and when I look more closely it is actually difficult to detect other bird life there.

I'm now wondering if the animals are waiting for the birds to get bigger before having them for lunch. Maybe someone out there can help out here. What's going on with what?

Sunday 10 January 2010

New species

When I saw this animal relaxing in the bushes I was excited though confused - it was clearly a species I hadn't seen before - it wasn't clear which end was the front and which was the rear - presumably one end was designed to fool predators, but which end - they both looked as though they could be the front, though I think I would favour the right end!

click picture to enlarge

I wonder if anyone out there could help to identify this?

If it's any help it was spotted on the Somerset Levels in the UK early in January 2010, when there was a fair amount of snow about, though at the time of the photograph the snow had melted at this spot.

I wonder if the snow had vanished whilst the animal had been relaxing, so it suddenly became visible.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Overnight stop?

How about staying over for breakfast tomorrow morning?
click picture to enlarge
