Thursday 28 January 2010

Tide versus sea wall

I find the sea fascinating. In this scene it is slightly choppy but gets a bit angry as it rebounds off the sea wall in the distance and meets the tide coming in from the right.
click picture to enlarge

Although the quality of part of this picture deteriorates somewhat when enlarged, the following gives a very different strange atmosphere about it when the seemingly angry section of rebounding water is blown up.

In this picture, there is now no clue as to where it is, or what the environment is like in the area. There is nothing to indicate it has been caused by a clash of water just off the sea wall to the left - nothing at all!
click picture to enlarge

And slightly later, in the same general area, but slightly more out to sea, the following erupted, without any rocks appearing when the water subsided. Again, nothing to indicate any reason why the water should behave like this.
click picture to enlarge
I find it all very fascinating.

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