Friday 26 February 2010

Boat reflection - uneasy

One software click to an ordinaty rowing boat and reflection photo produced this result. I find the result disturbing - I can't relax when looking at it - it makes me wonder what is the point of doing this, except to see how a simple software click can change the atmosphere of a photo to produce a picture which has such an unnerving impression.
click in picture to enlarge
Uneasy reflection

I suppose the picture could compliment an environment somewhere, but I wonder where?

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Do you think I look pretty?

When I look at a photo of a person, I often wonder what the person's expression tells me - it might be totally wrong - but that doesn't stop me wondering - so what about this one of Katy?
click photo to enlarge

A confident young lady?

I think this photo tells me that Katy is waiting for a positive response to the question ,' do you think I look pretty?' whilst knowing herself that she is. Or is she just looking mischievous.

Both possibilites might, of course, be wrong!

Saturday 20 February 2010

Columbine in control

This Columbine is just a weed to many people, but there is a certain beauty in them, especially back-lit as seen here.
click picture to enlarge
We have the power!

The way the flowers are lit has highlighted both sides of the stalks, and this helps to give a more dominant feel to the picture.

Though they are a ramshackle collection of flowers when viewed in the garden, almost feeling as though they are ashamed to be there, but wanting to be, this back-lighting has given the flowers a dominating feel as though they are in control. That's one of the assets of back-lighting. I like it.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Sydney botanical gardens

When visiting Sydney botanical gardens, I tried to get a photo which gave a good impression of the serenity of the place. I think this does the trick.
click picture to enlarge
Garden peace.

What this does in addition to giving an impression of peaceful serenity, is that it also gives a great feeling of life quietly bubbling under the surface, with some ducks on the surface of the water reinforcing the point that life is there.

Whenever I want to relax, I just gaze into this picture..................

Sunday 14 February 2010

Two show dogs

Paying a visit to an agricultural show I particularly noticed a section with dogs, not all the dogs, just this pair. There was something about them that found my gaze riveted to them, trying to work out what they were up to. It's not very difficult to see why they held my attention.
click picture to enlarge
Two attentive dogs

They're both poised in a very alert manner, both apprehensive yet excitedly waiting for something to happen, seemingly associated with the figure in the chair to the left. I'm guessing that the part figure was the owner, but was it? I don't know.

To me, whilst both heads are differently held, they both have appeal. The right looks more alert like an animal who is new to this situation and doesn't know what might happen next, whilst the left looks on with a sort of 'having seen all this before' attitude and knowing what to expect, though with a small element of doubt lurking within..

Thursday 11 February 2010

The big hug

Some time ago a twelve year old grandson, produced for a present a statue that he had made and had titled 'The big hug'. The challenge was to photograph it to its best advantage.

The first photo shows the proportions of the statue when compared with some wall tiles, it being about 15" or 38cm tall. This is where it resides, in the kitchen in full permanent view, and it gives a nice huggy feel about it.

click picture to enlarge

But how about in the open air, with the view looking up at it, rather then looking slightly down at it - how would it look then?

Well, the following is the result of this exercise, and it has transformed the basic likable statue into something that looks very enthusiastic about giving someone a hug, and a big one at that. It is looking expectant for something special. It now looks more exciting!

click picture to enlarge

Isn't it amazing how a varied viewpoint can make so much enormous difference to the feel of the picture! And the statue could be any size now!

Monday 8 February 2010

Sydney harbour bridge by night

Night shots, if they can be exposed just right, give a vibrant atmosphere to the scene, and this one of the bridge, I think, does just that.

click picture to enlarge

It just makes me feel that life is really worth living, to see such beauty that can only be seen when some are already in bed. I find it very relaxing, yet invigorating.

I do think the picture might have been improved slightly by lighting the handrail in the foreground just a little so that it could be slightly more obviously visible, though I'm not sure that that wouldn't have spoilt it.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Gulls perched

It is amazing how the lighting can affect the result of a picture being taken ostensibly of the same situation.

The first of these two pictures has been taken with the light coming from the rear, and this has produced a serene occasion where the birds have got together, and are just being sociable - not a care in the world.

click picture to enlarge

This second picture has been taken against the sun, of the same situation, but has produced a totally different feel about it. The birds don't seem so relaxed, but more alert, as though there is something around about which they are not totally happy, or are aware of something about to happen, almost as though they know what to expect.

click picture to enlarge

It's fascinating how different a picture can look just from a different lighting prospect.